Mandy's Garage Sale: English-Spanish Bilingual Series
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This dual-language photostory is suitable for Spanish speaking students who are learning to read English. The photographs reflect the text, making the words easy to decode. The photostory is divided into two sections: English, followed by Spanish. This high-interest, low-vocabulary reader is suitable for adolescent and adults who are beginning readers. In this photostory, Mandy is having a garage sale because she is short of cash and needs to pay her bills. One of the items in the garage sale is a camera with a broken flash. A man asks her if the camera works. What should Mandy tell him? This title is one of twelve in the English-Spanish Bilingual series.
Additional Details:
Author: Susan Rogers
Fry Reading Level(s): 1
Lexile Reading Level: 210L
Number Of Pages: 58
ISBN: 978-1-77153-120-7
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Chapter Sample: Page Samples
Listen to the story: MP3 Audio